Alan Traenkner
Alan Traenkner is well known among the OSHA community in the western US. Most recently served as Assistant to the Chief of Cal/OSHA where he, among other things, was responsible for jump starting the internal training program for the staff. Prior to this assignment he was an OSHA Assistant Regional Administrator responsible for federal review of the state programs of California, Hawaii, Nevada and Arizona. He served as the California Area Director for OSHA dating back to disengagement of the California program. As Area Director he was responsible for all federal enforcement, outreach, and review of the California OSHA program. He is well known in the maritime industry as the person responsible for bringing about the wearing of personal protective equipment in this industry. One of his responsibilities with OSHA was emergency response where he managed a combined federal and state response to the California wild fires and an oil spill.
Alan served on numerous development committees for federal OSHA, most noteworthy was his work on the OSHA State Plan Steering Committee and the Maritime Steering Committee. He led a team to develop OSHA’s internal training program to train OSHA staff on evaluating state programs. He was considered in a unique position to develop this program having worked previously for a state occupational safety and health program. Prior to moving to California he was the Director of the Nevada Occupational Safety and Health Department having been promoted to the position after severing a the State’s Principal Safety Engineer.
He served in Washington DC when one of the worst disasters in occupation safety and health occurred. Twenty five workers lost their lives while working in a food processing plant in Hamlet NC; while in Washington he served as OSHA’s Deputy Director of Field Programs.
He holds a Master’s Degree in Industrial Engineering from the University of Iowa; he earned his under graduate degree from Purdue University.
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